Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What kind of person are you?

I think one of the things some Christians (or some people for that matter) don’t do is ask questions about themselves. But you are probably saying “Hans we live a in a world of self centred people who think about nothing but themselves!” True, but the questions I think we should ask are not the “What can I get?” questions. But the “Who am I?” type questions.
Here are some of the questions I ask myself constantly:
• Am I a generally positive or negative person?
One of the great things about some people is that they are positive people. Positive people are great to be around because they have so much energy and life! They are people who you can rely on to pick you up when you have had a bad day and are always good for a laugh. Negative people on the other hand are hard work. I can’t stand when a person who doesn’t have depression is always looking at the world and saying all of this sucks. (If you do have depression I totally am not talking about you here. People with depression have a courage that I wish I had!) If you were to take a survey of your friends what would they say? Would they say you are positive person or a negative person?
• Do I take constructive criticism well?
Criticism is always hard to take. It is never fun or easy. But one of the things I was taught when I was younger is that if a person will come and give you honest feedback that is generally a sign that they love you. One of the qualities I try to have (this quality is not always there though) is to be a person who accepts criticism because good criticism, administered lovingly, accepted graciously and put into practice wisely will always make me a better person/leader/Christian.
• Am I humble or narcissistic?
As a musician I have met so many narcissistic people. I am afraid to say I have narcissistic qualities too. I want you to read this blog, I want you to come to my church and think it is cool; I want you to tell me how good my preaching is etc. I have found that I need to keep coming back to Philippians 2 and see the humility of Jesus and that I need to learn to be far more humble than I am.
• Have I learnt to love Jesus more over the past year?
One of the things I want as a Christian is to love Jesus more and more each day, each week, each year etc. I have found that unless I grind it out day after day reading my bible and praying this doesn’t happen. I have found that unless I work hard at it my relationship with Jesus gets pushed into the background. I want to love Jesus more and more and I need to make this my number one priority!
• Have I learnt to hate sin more in the past year?
I remember when I was new Christian I felt like I was almost sinless! Now that I have been a Christian for almost 15 years I have seen that the sin I have is far more deep rooted and prominent in my life than I wish it was. I see pride in every thought, decision, action and conversation I have. I hear myself saying things that stretch the truth so I look good. What is very scary is that some of this sin I have grown comfortable with! So, with that in mind, I read the book that Justin Taylor edited called Overcoming Sin and Temptation by John Owen. It is my prayer that I would hate the sin and love my saviour more and more each, day, each week, each month and each year!
• Where is my security?
Is my security found in what people think of me, how big my church, how hot my wife is, how great my guitars are? Or is my security found in Jesus and what he thinks of me? When I find myself having issues with pride or arrogance (which happens so often!) I can see it is a security issue. I need to pray that God alone would be my security and that I would love him the rest of my days and that he would be the one I glorify and not I!

1 comment:

  1. Good questions, Hans :)

    I find Bible-reading hard to do by myself (prayer less so). But it's easier to do with other people. I've found the same with serving, too. Something in the way God's made us, I reckon.
