Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How is Resolved going after our first year?

In one word, Resolved is going awesome! God has blessed us so richly! Here are a few things that are happening, in which I can see God’s grace:
• God has been bringing people (who previously didn’t know Him) to know Him, through the ministry of Resolved! I love that He uses our feeble attempts at communicating His word to bring people to Himself!
• The Elder Board is really working well. We meet up once a month and discuss where the church is at theologically, pastorally, practically and spiritually. It is one of the highlights of my month. God has blessed Resolved with a group of guys who, although young, have got a strong grip on who He is and what He is doing and who are open to correction and rebuke. They are intelligent and are great leaders! So please pray for Sellen, Bobby, Paul, Pete and myself as we lead Resolved!
• I love the fact that my wife is at Resolved! My wife, Kate, is a beautiful woman inside and out and she is such an encouragement to me and to a lot of girls whom she meets up with. She also pastorally oversees our elders’ wives/girlfriends and she does an amazing job in doing this! I am blessed to have her as my wife!
• I love the student ministers we have! Steve and Anna have been doing a great job! Anna is our Women’s Pastor and has been meeting up with girls and looking after the female leaders of our community groups and has been doing as great job! Steve is our pastor-in-charge-of-evangelism and he organized awesome outreaches over Easter! Also, they are both in these roles and doing these things without getting paid by Resolved! Thanks guys so much!
• We are doing a sermon series called “When I’m hurting, God is...” which has been getting a lot of traction, not only with the people who have been coming to Resolved for a while but with new people too! Pray for the non-Christians that are coming along, that they would see their need for Jesus! It has been a massive evidence of God’s grace that people have been amped for this series!
• I am thinking through a lot of stuff to do with social media and how to use it effectively and it has been really exciting to think through this stuff. I will be sitting down with Andrew Sellen to think through this more but it is very exciting!
• We are going on Man Camp again this year, and under Pete Hodson (our Men’s Pastor) we have trebled the number of men that are coming from last year!
• We have changed our community group teaching strategy to sermon-based community groups. How it works is this: The preacher preaches on a text on Sunday and writes a Bible study on that same text, for that (following) week’s community groups. So you hear the sermon and then you get a chance to talk about it and explore and apply the text more deeply in your community group. When I outlined this new way of doing community groups, the leaders said ‘Let’s go for it’! I love these guys!
This is just the tip of the iceberg - God is doing amazing things at Resolved! Pray for me, as the Pastor, that I will work hard in humility and worship to Jesus, and that He would be glorified and I would be forgotten!

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