Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Questions and answers

Thanks guys for responding to the last post.
We will chuck some pics up somewhere in the next week. If you want to keep in touch with us and see what is up we are on:
Twitter http://twitter.com/resolvedchurch
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=51712788940&ref=ts
And we will be uploading videos and having channels on Mogulus and Youtube before Sunday. The website should be up within two weeks

Music wise we have Paul Liao who sings and plays guitar and that is it so far. We want to develop bands organically. As for Gear we have a Yamaha PA which was Bought with the Money that Mortdale Anglican church gave us. Songs we try to do about 50 percent hymns done well and the rest are various contemporary ones.

We are meeting on Sunday at 6pm which is late enough so Musicians and artists can go to their Sunday BBQs (which is almost a religious practice) and they can still get to their gig on a Sunday night.

Keep the questions coming


  1. Cool that you are doing hymns. They are making a comeback.

    What does the service look like? How long is it, and what are the parts of it, and how long is each?

  2. Paul might find my little hymn site handy - Guitar Chords for Hymns.

    If you ever do "A Mighty Fortress" let me know, I'll come and visit. I'd love to sing that sometime.
