Sunday, May 17, 2009

Leadership: Energy

We all love people with energy. We like people who seem to do a lot of things very well because they seem to have boundless reserves of energy. We all would love to be people that have this energy but can we all have it?

I think the answer is yes and it is all about changing our attitude and doing less not doing more.

How do you see your life? Are you grateful for all the opportunities in your life God has given you? Many of you have the opportunity to be at least one of the following: parent, spouse, teacher, leader, lawyer, pastor, musician, nurse, student, friend, activist, blogger, preacher, etc. You get to go for walks with those you love, work in an air conditioned environment, watch movies, read books, play sports, learn, cook great meals, go out to eat meals, etc.

Do you thank God for all of the things you get to do? Because of your place in the west you are privalleged more almost all the world so is your day filled with thankfulness?

Attitude is so important, if we have an attitude of thanks for the great things God has put in our lives we will enjoy life more and when we enjoy things they give us energy!

How is your thankfulness?

Do less not more
One of the problems we have in our fast paced culture is that we feel we need to do more and more and more. But the result is we do things that we hate and that drive us down or we do things we love doing but we take too much on and then we are despondent when we know we are doing a sub par job on most of the things we are doing.

The thing is we need to do less but do what we do better. We also need to choose the things we do better.

What are your main responsibilities? Do they get the lion’s share of your time?
How many things do you do each week that energize you?
How many things do you do each week that drain you emotionally?
How many things do you do that you could get other people to do?

If a leader lacks energy, he or she will not inspire people.

If a leader is not inspirational are they really a leader?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hans,

    This is Steven Christoforidis here from 4th year. I too have been thinking about the relationship between ministry and energy, since I am 36 yrs old, with wife plus 4 kids, who desparately needs lots of energy for family and ministry.

    A friend from church reminded me of Colossians 1:29 -

    to this end I labour, struggling with all his energy, which so powerfully works in me.

    And this got me thinking, that it doesn't matter how you old you are or what situation God has placed you in life, you can do anything if God's energy is at work in you, for that is how Paul does his ministry. A deep conviction of God's message and a great empowering from God's presence, made all the difference. This is the type of energy that I need and you need to do God's ministry.

    We all know how much Paul suffered and endured, how much he put up with, how he got tired and frustrated, but he continued to do it because of the energy of God at work in him. And it was powerfully at work in him. We need to pray for more of that, don't we?

    There is so much more that could be said on that verse along, but it is interesting to note Paul's own awareness of God's empowering presence in his life, that who he is and what he does, is all done through the energy of God at work in him. He has a deep sense that God is driving him and carrying him along in his ministry. God is with him every step of the way. But incredibly this doesn't aleviate the struggle in his ministry. So we could say that if ministry is not a struggle, if we are not getting tired, if we don't feel uncomfortable, then maybe we are not being carried along by God's energy and power?

    We need to turn once more to God in deep repentance and faith and ask him to work in us and prepare us for the long road of suffering and pain so closely associated with following Jesus in his kingdom. I need to do more of that!!

    By the way, love your blog, keen follower, keep me updated, love your honesty, faithfulness and deep reflections on all things God, a real encouragment and inspiration.
