Sunday, February 8, 2009

Preaching and Evangelism in the world we live in

First of all I would like to apologize for not bogging in ages. My time over the last few weeks has been crazy.

Since I last have blogged I have moved house, been threatened by my now ex landlord, not got my bond back, sought legal help from the tenancy tribunal, started meeting with Resolved, had meeting with the Resolved team, Resolved got to be an Incorporated Entity, researched stuff we need to buy like projectors and PA and other things etc. etc.

In this time here are two things that I have been challenged to think about:

How to preach in the world we live in

How to evangelize in our world

How to preach in the world we live in
One of the things that we have been dialoguing about at Resolved is how should we preach in the world we live in? What is the most effective method of communication in our world? How do we cater to short attention spans and people who want dialogue? One of the ideas was to break up each sermon with questions that people who come can discuss in small groups. Some of those advocating this position said that this will not only break up the sermon into manageable chunks of 5-7 mins but it will also help people feel valued and heard. So people will be able to reflect on the topic or idea preached and they will own it for themselves. We need to be sure that the Bible and Jesus get the last word in whatever topic we preach on.
Some issues that come up with this view of preaching are many non Christians would not want to be directly asked or talked to about Jesus in Church. The hurdle of coming to Church is big enough without someone mid sermon asking a question directly to them. In the Bible we are told to proclaim the gospel, there seems to be not much room in the Bible for discussion in Church. If the sermon is broken up into 5 minute chunks the sermon may not be able to sustain any intensity and after each discussion the preacher will have to get the attention of the congregation back. The sermon may feel clunky.
What do you guys think? Have you got any resources that deal with these issues?

How to evangelize in our world
I have met with many of my friends who are not Christians. It is weird talking with them about life, Jesus and spiritual stuff. One thing that hit me was that everyone was so interested in what I was doing. Many of them loved the idea of spirituality and others loved Jesus in some way but they aren’t connected with a local Church. I asked them if they were asked would they come to Church. All of them said yes. I was wondering if they love Jesus so much where are their friends who are Christians? Why haven’t they been invited to Church? Have you got a friend who would come to Church but they just haven’t been invited? Are you scared that Church is going to suck and your friend will think it is boring?
Our whole evangelism strategy to begin with is all about partying. Every month Resolved is going to have a party in which our friends will be invited to. The idea is that our friends who do not love Jesus will meet a bunch of the Church community and will be more and more comfortable with the people of Resolved. They then will be more ready and more open to coming along to Church or Bible study because they have built relationships with the people of Resolved.
So our evangelism strategy is all about relationships and inviting people to Church. Not about inviting people to an event where we put the bait and switch on. What are your thoughts?


  1. hans - looking forward to following this blog and new church.

    keep proclaiming Jesus!!

  2. hi hans, i reckon you should give the half-time sermon discussions a go. I'd love to hear if it works well.

    keep blogging... i'm enjoying learning from your experiences!

